<aside> The Rebooting is heading to the Riviera with a daily newsletter and podcast, private dinners, a live podcast event and a full day of conversational programming with top executives.


The Rebooting Cannes pop-up newsletter

The Rebooting will publish a daily (Monday-Thursday) newsletter to opted-in recipients that will feature the theme of “big ideas and provocations.” Each issue will feature a big idea and a provocation about how to create a healthy, sustainable media ecosystem. It will also act as a Cannes survival guide with expert tips on navigating the madness of Cannes.


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The Rebooting Show @ Cannes

The Rebooting will publish podcasts from Cannes from Monday through Thursday with full distribution in The Rebooting Show feed and featured in The Rebooting newsletter.


The New Growth Agenda @ Cannes

On Tuesday, June 17, The Rebooting will host a Cannes Lions edition of its flagship New Growth Agenda salon that combines in-depth conversation with peer-level connection.

About NGA

The New Growth Agenda is The Rebooting’s flagship event, an invitation-only gathering of 40 top media executives that fosters conversation around building sustainable media businesses.The Rebooting has held two editions of The New Growth Agenda in New York City, most recently in November 2024. We combined a 1.5-hour salon-style conversation with roundtable dinner discussions.



